In(de)finite / IN∞finite
“Woman is neither open nor closed. She is indefinite, in-finite, form is never complete in her. She is not infinite but neither is she a unit(y), such as letter, number, figure in a series, proper noun, unique object (in a) world of the senses, simple ideality in an intelligible whole, entity of a foundation, etc. This incompleteness in her form, her morphology, allows her continually to become something else, [...] No metaphor completes her.”
Luce Irigaray
In(de)finite / In∞finite is an autobiographical fantasy based on living a life on the fringes of depression, motherhood and art:
“Maternity and artistry are undeniable tensions in our culture, and the needs and goals of each are often contradictory. Yet that contradiction itself fascinates me immensely, this impossible equation with its mundane solution. I admit at times that it discourages me and then my lack of enthusiasm sinks into my bones. In those moments motherhood and its relentless responsibility seems disproportionate and unfair, but, alas, that is the way the roles have been divided.
First I am a mother, and after that, an artist.”